- 2022 The Art Connect, Standard Chartered Bank, Taiwan
- 2023 Master Award, professional category, International Kolkata Art EXPO 2023, Colour Wings, India
- 2021 People's Choice Award, category painting, Human, where are you?, Kunst Stuttgart International e.V., Leonberg, Germany
- 2021 Master Award, professional category, International Online Art Expo (4th ed.), Color Wings, India
- 2019 1st Prize People's Choice Award, Grand Salon, Bad Säckingen, Germany
Galerie Petra Kern, Heidelberg, Germany
- Kunst in Brücker Gärten, Cologne. Germany
- All In!, Galerie Petra Kern, Mannheim/Heidelberg, Germany
- Kunstsonntag Heidelberg, Galerie Petra Kern, Heidelberg, Germany
- Contemporary East Africa #4, Galerie Art of Buna e.V., Cologne, Germany
- Zusammen 6, Galerie Petra Kern exhibits at Vergolderei Thomas Müller, Kelkheim (Taunus), Germany
- Jury member of the sponsorship award Lothar-Späth-Förderpreis for artists with mental disabilities, Wehr, Germany
- art KARLSRUHE, Galerie Petra Kern, Germany
- Mood. Subjectivity, Introspection, Self-Awareness, Diocesan Museum, Andria, Italy
- Kunst-Werte, Galerie Petra Kern, Mannheim/Heidelberg, Germany
- International Kolkata Art EXPO 2023, Colour Wings, ArtsAcre Museum, Kolkata, India
- Kunst & Kulinarik, Galerie N18, Curating and Project Management by Seona Sommer, Cologne, Germany
- Begegnungen auf Augenhöhe, Club 68 Köln Verein für Behinderte und Nichtbehinderte e.V., Cologne, Germany
- Indien - Tansania - Deutschland, Kulturkirche Ost, Cologne, Germany
- Portrait International Juried Exhibition, Li Tang Gallery, USA
- Offene Ateliers Köln, BBK, Cologne, Germany
- Arte Wiesbaden, Kunst Stuttgart International e.V., Wiesbaden, Germany
- Metamorphosen, Kunst Stuttgart International e.V., Schwetzingen, Germany
- Art in Transition, Kunst Stuttgart International e.V., Leonberg, Germany
- I Am Her Voice, BONO Direkthilfe und Chance Swiss, Germany
- Artinside Gallery in Augmented Reality, Artebinaria, Italy
- Die Neuen, Kunst Stuttgart International e.V., Leonberg, Germany
- X Exposición Internacional Museo Virtual MundoArti "Especial Navidad", Spain
- International Online Art Expo 4th Edition, Colour Wings, India
- Kunstroute Süd, Cologne, Germany
- The World in Faces, Galerie Ovo, Taipeh City, Taiwan
- International Biennial of Painting, under the patronage of Ministry of Culture of R. Moldova / National Museum of Fine Art, Chisinau, Moldova
- Offene Ateliers Köln, BBK, Cologne, Germany
- Bergische Kunstwanderung, Kürten-Dürscheid, Germany
- The Stage Gallery, Cologne, Germany
- Kunstroute Ehrenfeld, Cologne, Germany
- CHITRANKAN : 3, International Online Art Competition & Art Exhibition 2021 only women artists, India
- art prize exhibition Human, where are you?, Kunst Stuttgart International e.V., Leonberg, Germany
- solo show: Humanity Projects, virtual gallery "Galerie Schlossgarten", Künstlerkanal, Germany
- Be My Valentine, Miniature Pop Up Show, 33 Contemporary, USA
- Artinside Gallery, online art exhibition in augmented reality, Florence, Italy
- Kunstroute Süd, Cologne, Germany
- Artinside Gallery, online art exhibition in augmented reality, Florence, Italy
- Bergische Kunstwanderung, Kürten-Dürscheid, Germany
- Kunstverein 68elf e.V., Cologne, Germany
- Grand Salon, Bad Säckingen, Germany
- Luxembourg Art Fair, Galería Javier Román, Luxembourg
- Contemporary Art Ruhr (C.A.R.), Galería Javier Román, Essen, Germany
- 6. Brücker Kunsttage, Cologne, Germany
- Kunsttage Unkeler Höfe, Unkel, Germany
- 13th Neubrücker Kunstsommer, Cologne, Germany
- Grand Salon, Bad Säckingen, 1st prize People's Choice Award, Germany
- Galería Javier Román, Benevent, Italy
- 5. Brücker Kunsttage, Cologne, Germany
- 12th Neubrücker Kunstsommer, Cologne, Germany
- Galería Javier Román, Marbella, Spain
- Kunstroute Ehrenfeld, Cologne, Germany
- 16. Kunstmeile Rodenkirchen, Cologne, Germany
- Grand Salon, Bad Säckingen, Germany
- solo show: Service Residenz Schloss Bensberg, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
- solo show: Rathaus Herford, Herford, Germany
- 4. Brücker Kunsttage, Cologne, Germany
- Artlokal, Windeck, Germany
- THE ARTBOX.PROJECTS 1.0, Basel, Switzerland
- Galería artelibre, Saragossa, Spain
- Galería Javier Román, Málaga, Spain
- Grand Salon, Bad Säckingen, Germany
- Art Salon Q3, Sassnitz/Rügen, Germany
- 3. Brücker Kunsttage, Cologne, Germany
- Kunsttage Unkeler Höfe, Unkel, Germany
- Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- 2. Brücker Kunsttage, Cologne, Germany
- 3. smartkunst, Cologne, Germany
- 1. ARTsteps, Lohmar, Germany
- crossart, Cologne, Germany
- solo show: Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- 1. Brücker Kunsttage, Cologne, Germany
- Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- Galerie Art Berel, Burgdorf, Germany
- 9. KalkKunst, Cologne, Germany
- solo show: Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- solo show: Physio WID, Cologne, Germany
- Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- Nierenzentrum Merheim, Cologne, Germany
- Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- solo show: Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- 6. KalkKunst, Cologne, Germany
- solo show: Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- FORUM im Raum für Kunst, Paderborn, Germany
- Galerie artclub, Cologne, Germany
- 4. KalkKunst, Cologne, Germany
- 2020 So geht's! Einen Ausstellungsort für deine Kunst finden, ISBN: 978-3-96944-699-7 >>Link
- 2020 So geht's! Deine Kunstausstellung selbständig organisieren, ISBN 978-3-96969-028-4 >>Link
- 2020 So geht's! Texte über deine Kunst schreiben, ISBN 978-3-96944-327-9 >>Link
- 2018 palette & zeichenstift, "Vielschichtige Ölpörträts mit fotorealistischer Wirkung", issue 3/2018 No. 137, pp. 12-17, Germany >>Link
- 2018 palette & zeichenstift, "Der Mensch im Fokus", issue 2/2018 No. 136, pp. 6-11, Germany >>Link